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Before You Redesign Your Website, What Are The Things You Should Consider

Jun 14

You would probably be eager to get things started if you decided to redesign your website. An exciting website that has all the necessary elements is what everyone is looking forward to. Redesigning your website shouldn't be hurried. You should consider these website redesign factors before moving ahead with a website redesign if it is time to revamp your site.

1.  Revamping or redesigning your website?

There's a difference between a website redesign and a website redesign. Revamps are complete overhauls whereas redesigns don't have the same impact on functionality.

You won't recognize our website after a Revamp - it has been completely redesigned into something else (don't worry, this is a good thing).

You may want to consider redesigning your website if it already functions well but only requires aesthetic changes. Identifying your needs is the first step in making this decision.

2.  Review your existing site

What are your favorite things?

  • Identify them and make a list
  • The new website allows them to stay?
  • Does your business benefit from them?
  • Is it possible to live without them?

What's the worst thing you hate?

  • Identify them and make a list
  • Is it possible to remove them without affecting business?
  • Is there a way they can be improved?
  • Is their functionality impeded?

You can find out whether your website needs just some tweaks or if it needs to be completely redone by an expert in web design.

3.  What are your competitors doing?

It is now time to look at your competitors' websites.

  • Which aspect of their website is your favorite?
  • List everything
  • Those things are also important to you, right?
  • Is it possible to include them as they are on your site?
  • Does your business stand to benefit from them?
  • How does their website make you feel?

These features may not be the ones you like, but you need them to keep your business running

Through a comprehensive analysis, a website redesign company can show you why other websites are superior to yours.

4.  Understand your audience:

You must know who you want to target before redesigning or revamping your website.

Those who are 50+ will not be able to benefit from what works for the smartphone generation. Probably, they will read what you write if they need more guidance.

The smartphone is likely to be looked at, liked and bought - that's it. There might be a way for them to find you. Your website optimization strategy should align with those requirements.

5.  Use analytics tools to get data:

It's possible to analyze your website content with tools like Google Analytics. Content strategy will be easier if you use this tool. Here is a detailed blog we have written about how to make Google Analytics work for you.

Broken links and errors on your site will be highlighted by Google Webmaster. Redesigning your website with a professional agency will make the process easier.

The number of visitors to your site, bounce rate, and time spent on your site can all be seen with a Google Analytics account.

If your website is in need of redesign or rebuild, this will serve as a great starting point.

6.  Content Marketing Strategy: Is it Necessary?

Original content is vital to attracting new visitors. 60% of site visitors for a company feel positively about that company when they see new and original content.

You will need to think about what type of content you will provide -- blogs, marketing videos, how-to documentation, social media, and graphics. Marketing plans can be implemented in a variety of ways.

If you have a content marketing plan, all that remains is to decide what changes should be made on your site to make it effective.

7.  How else can you market?

Identify what else you should be doing to promote your business and review your existing marketing efforts.

Your email marketing campaign may benefit from a quarterly newsletter. To get more email subscribers, you need to make changes to your website.

You'll need to align your marketing objectives with your website goals. You'll benefit most from your new website and marketing strategies working together.

8.  The SEO Perspective

SEO work done on the existing content shouldn't be adversely affected by your new website.

In addition to being in line with Google and other search engines' ranking trends, the new website will benefit from the optimization you've already done.

A better search ranking can be achieved by ensuring your transition from the old website to the new website is undertaken with expert SEO assistance.