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Simple Upholstery Cleaning Tips

Jun 16

Simple Upholstery Cleaning Tips

The spring has nearly arrived, so it is time to prepare for a front-to-back home remodel. It's all about switching out winter items for warmer temperatures, organizing and rearranging space, and cleaning!

Your upholstery is one of your best investments. These pieces should be regularly cleaned, no matter if they are upholstered headboards or sofas. Spring is the perfect time to tackle deep upholstery cleaning.

Do not worry. We know how intimidating it can be to clean your upholstery. So how do you clean a couch? You don't know where to start. How do you clean an ottoman? What about an upholstered bed?

We answer the most common questions and share our best tips for Arlington VA upholstery cleaning. We are confident it will inspire you to start your spring cleaning.

Need help getting started? Take a look at our spring refresh list to find inspiration on how to decorate your home with plants in the new season.

Know your Upholstery Fabrics

Before vacuuming or scrubbing any upholstery, be sure to check the fabric you will be using. Different fabrics need different cleaning methods. You might want to wipe down suede vs. leather and then gently blot wool, linen, or velvet.

Most likely, your headboard or upholstered sofa came with a guideline or best-practices cleaning tag. Look closely at the fabric to determine the best way to clean it. Then, create a game plan. For any questions, consult the manufacturer's website.

Treat Stains Slowly

You should follow the fabric guidelines and treat stains according to the upholstery material. This is especially important if you are trying to clean a couch with many stains. You can treat most fabric stains with a mild detergent and water.

Use the steam cleaner if your vacuum has one! You can think of it as your best friend in upholstery cleaning. First vacuum your upholstery. Then, treat each stain individually by slowly cleaning them up one by one. Remember: Blot, don't scrub! Too much friction can cause fabric damage and even ruin the upholstery. After drying the area, vacuum again.

If you have a white sofa to clean, a steamer is the ideal upholstery cleaning tool. Slipcovers can also be used to clean your white sofa. You can also check out our detailed guide on buying a white couch.

Vacuuming should be a daily habit

Upholstered furniture can attract dirt and dust as well as other airborne microspores.

This is especially true if your headboard or upholstered bed has a headboard. Although it may not be obvious, dust and hair can collect on these items quickly even though they aren’t readily visible. Dust can build up on these items, which is something you don't want. Even though it might seem tedious, there are many advantages to having an upholstered headboard. Our guide will help you decide if an upholstered headboard is right for your needs.

It is recommended that you vacuum your furniture once per week. So make it a point to regularly clean your upholstery in your home. You can quickly clean your chairs and sofas with the narrow parts on your vacuum. Next, steam clean your furniture once a month (every three months).


Do Deodorize

Your upholstery should always look, feel, and smell fresh. You're not the only one who's ever smelled an unpleasant odor coming from your upholstery. This is especially true for pet owners! Odors such as stains can develop over time from daily clothing to pets rubbing up against the fabric.

Baking soda can be used as a cleaning agent to eliminate odors and oils in upholstery. Just sprinkle the baking soda onto your upholstery and let it rest for a few hours. It will absorb oils and odors. You can then vacuum it up.


Arlington Carpet Cleaners

Arlington, TX, USA

(817) 754 5030